One of the most common ensemble learning methods. This is just the wikipedia article, but it’s pretty good!
Gradient Boosting from Scratch Medium post showing how to train gradient boosted trees.
The algorithm showing a way to prune trees after they are learned to combat overfitting. Little to no explanation.
A youtube explaining how to prune a tree (14 min)
Cost- Complexity Pruning in scikit learn
The library function in sklearn that prunes trees.
Academic paper showing how to prune a random forest…
PyData Talk: Isolation Forests for Anomaly Detection
The goal of the talk is twofold; on the one hand an in-depth introduction to the class of Isolation Forests and on the other hand a look at the process of extending existing methods to handle missing features and categorical data. The concepts in this talk are accompanied with a GitHub implementation. (p.s. standard Isolation Forests are part of scikit-learn and described in this academic paper.) (24 mins)